Boppy Box AppXamarin

I originaly created the app to help my children with ideas of what to do when they are bored. We now have several hundred ideas across a number of categories. After a lot of interest from friends I have now published an Android version to the Play store, with a Web version and iOS version planned for the future.

I have developed the app so be configurable so similar apps can be produced from the base code. We have further apps planned for children, and also for singers. I have created a companion application (see below) that manages the configuration and content across different applications.

Boppy Box AdminBlazor App

A Blazor application that manages the content, images and configurations that are used for the Boppy Box family of apps.

Ecormmerce Websites.Net

I have developed ecormmerce for a couple of small companies that include PayPal integration, preordering, and content management.

Colour Analysis AppJavaScript

An online colour analysis tool used by colour consultants that provides a personalised colour swatch for customers.

Sort It Find It.Net Core and Alexa

The Sort It Find It app is currently in development and is used to manage house hold inventory, documents and services. The application can be queried using Alexa: "Alexa, ask Sort It Where are the beach chairs?' "

BlogDev Ready

My software development blog can be found at